Friday, September 17, 2010

Life is like driving a car..

Life is like driving a car...
     I sit in my car alone and I make the decisions to where to go and how I want to get there.
     I sit in my car with one other person and the whole trip is different. They have input in how I drive,  where we go and how we get there.
     If I sit in my car and someone else is driving my input is little and I rely on them to get me where we are going.
   With life when your alone you have to rely on yourself to make all the turns in your life whether they be right or wrong.
    Life with a partner you try to include them with your life decisions. They put their input of their life and how they would handle the situation and with you try to come up with what will work out best.
   When you let someone else make all the decisions in your life you are just along for the ride.

   We all try to drive down the right road so we wont have to say we wish we had taken the other road. Asking for directions does not mean you have to go in that direction it just means you have the choice of which road to take with informed knowledge.