Thursday, April 28, 2011


Graduation is finally here! We walk across a stage for a new beginning. Congratulation to all that will walk this momentous walk! You have come far to reach this day, enjoy the new beginning that this represents!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Break!!

Yes!! Finally Spring Break!! And only six weeks to go till Graduation!! Im so excited!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Final Days

The Final Days are here!
The days of finals are spent cramming for tests. Stress levels go up, time spent on the computer and reading books double.
Take the time to take care of yourself. Sleep, eat, and breath. Getting enough of all these is as important as studying for the test you will be taking.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Looking for...

What are you looking for?
Do you have a plan?
How do you plan for your future?
The questions you ask of yourself will help you grow to achieve your dreams. By writing down your thoughts of where you want to be in 1+ years helps you keep your goal in view. Things may change but you know that you dream is just around the corner.
My short term goal is to graduate and achieve a more rewarding job.
Keep a list of things you want to do- a bucket list! This keeps your dreams where you can review them from time to time and maybe even mark one off.
Time is short dont waste your time on "what if's", just do what you can at the moment and plan to mark another one off your list when the opportunity presents itself.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Pain Pain go away come back another day.

I want a day without pain. Its been a long week of non stop pain. Little sleep make for a grumpy Me.

Trying hard not to fuss or complain I sit alone with only pain to keep me company.

Pain Pain go away come back another day.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Another weekend

Another weekend of homework. It seems that I dont really have weekends anymore. I work and go to school all week, then on the weekends try to catch up on all the homework I have had to put off. Cant wait till Thanksgiving hopefully then I will get time to actually do something other than work and school. Also so I can recoup before buckling down for finals.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I am trying for a promotion at work. This is a job, that before now, I had no interest in. The new plant and people have given me a new interest in this promotion. I may not get this job at this time, but at least they will know that I am interested and the next opportunity will be easier to be considered for.