Sunday, October 31, 2010

Another weekend

Another weekend of homework. It seems that I dont really have weekends anymore. I work and go to school all week, then on the weekends try to catch up on all the homework I have had to put off. Cant wait till Thanksgiving hopefully then I will get time to actually do something other than work and school. Also so I can recoup before buckling down for finals.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I am trying for a promotion at work. This is a job, that before now, I had no interest in. The new plant and people have given me a new interest in this promotion. I may not get this job at this time, but at least they will know that I am interested and the next opportunity will be easier to be considered for.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Home sick

This Texas Girl is very home sick. In one of my classes a speaker was showing and talking about the area that I grew up around. I want to go home! I have to finish school then hopefully I can return. This will be scary, cause even though Im homesick to go back, my son lives here and I will have to leave him behind. Im torn! Starting a whole new life will be scary, so do I stay where its secure or make a new start.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


It takes a minute to have a
crush on someone, an hour
to like someone, and a day
to love someone....
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone
-author unknown

"True Love is friendship caught on fire."
-French Proverb

"Love is the most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares."
-William Shakespeare

Love is sometimes denied
Sometimes lost,
Sometimes unrecognized,
but in the end,
always found with no regrets,
forever valued and kept treasured.
-author unknown

Sunday, October 3, 2010


This game was heartbreaking! A stupid mistake lost us a joyous win! We played hard. Our young team has lots to learn but they are doing well. Don't expect young players to pull off big wins but to learn how to play the game without mistakes. Go Team!!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I love this weather! It is cool enough that you wear light long sleeves and jeans, but not cold enough to wear the bulky winter coats. The colors of the trees are changing, but not falling yet. The sky is clear without that heat haze in the way. The night sky is clear where you can see the stars and moon shine. Yes, other than the Spring where you have waited all winter to warm up, Fall is my favorite time of the year.